
Some more information on what we have accomplished so far:

Unity3D Game Development

We have been using Unity3D since 2014 for video game and software development. A few projects that showcase this are: The Adventures of Tree and Ladybug Quest.


An independent, 3D, Real-Time-Strategy game with an extremely high-level focus on AI and computer thinking.


Software written for the local fire-hall department to aid in dispatching and responding to calls.

Consulting & Advice

Over the years we have provided an immeasurable amount of consulting and business advice. Our focus has been on efficiency and innovation and how to better use your available resources.

Additional Projects:

  • Enterprise Java applications
  • Reporting Solutions using JETT to export for Excel
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Integration
  • Internationalization integration with Transifex
  • Continuous Integration automation using TravisCI and Jenkins